October 01, 2011

The battle begins

Both Dana and I are avid football fans, but for different teams, which obviously begs the questions...which team will Deacon root for??

As we were given gifts throughout the pregnancy challenging decisions kept coming up

and sneaky things were already taking place the first day he was born...

Needless to say this issue has had it's fair share of disagreements, so the only logical thing to do is to let Deacon decide...but until then I promised to be 'fair' about my level of influence early on, so I had this made in the meantime...

It looks like he favors the red side if you ask me

Only time will tell...and a little 'father/son' time

September 30, 2011

Life changes forever...

It begins...

After a long and challenging pregnancy the big day (August 16, 2011) finally arrived. We had a scheduled C-section at 10:30AM and by 10:45AM we were holding a little bundle of joy, Deacon Gianni Fiori! 

After a few days in the hospital we made the trip home to welcome our baby boy into our family...and to meet his brother Guinness of course! This is the video of the first time Guinney met Deacon when we came home from the hospital.  At first, he just sniffed him then walked away, but Deacon was sleeping at the time.  About 20 mins later he was laying in the Pack N' Play and we were in the kitchen when Deacon started making little "peeps" and Guinney went nuts, couldn't figure out where the noise was coming from and just kept wagging his tale, that's where the video picks up at....don't mind the fact that Guinney licks his lips when he first realizes Deacon is alive..

I'm sure most babies do, but he really loves to #1, being naked (one of the great personality traits that I passed on to him of course), and 2, take bathes.  He is just so content in there! He doesn't like water in his face, and acts like he is drowning - I feel like a horrible dad every time I rinse off his head but I thinking he will get used to it..

Since the day he came home he has somehow been able to flop his head from side to side during Tummy Time...absolutely DESTINE to play football if  you ask me, his neck is already strong enough to wear a helmet!  The video below is from today, and he has ben lifting his head up like this since about 7-10 days old!